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Is shilajit legal in the UK? Read this Before Consuming Shilajit

by Altitude Essence 23 Apr 2024
Is shilajit legal in the UK? Read this Before Consuming Shilajit

Embarking on the pursuit of natural well-being often prompts inquiries, and a common one pertains to the legality of shilajit in the UK. Prior to embracing the potential benefits associated with this natural substance, it is imperative to ascertain its legal status to facilitate its seamless integration into one's wellness regimen.

This comprehensive guide is designed to offer elucidation on the legal intricacies surrounding shilajit in the UK, furnishing the necessary insights before incorporating this esteemed supplement into one's daily health practices. Navigate the regulatory landscape with assurance, as we explicate the legal dimensions of shilajit, ensuring that the journey towards enhanced well-being is characterized by informed choices and compliance.

Delve into this elucidative discourse to comprehend the legal nuances of shilajit in the UK, facilitating discerning decisions for a healthful and invigorated lifestyle.

Short Answer: Shilajit is not considered a drug. So, it is not banned and is totally legal to consume in the UK.

Understanding Shilajit: A Scientific and Legal Perspective

What is Shilajit?

Shilajit is a complex resinous substance that oozes from mountain rocks, with the Altai Mountains being a primary source. It undergoes a meticulous formation process through the decomposition of plant matter, resulting in a rich amalgamation of minerals, fulvic acid, and other bioactive compounds that contribute to its esteemed health benefits.

Scientific Components of Shilajit

Fulvic Acid:

Fulvic acid, a central component of shilajit, boasts antioxidant properties and potential benefits for nutrient absorption. Our shilajit, meticulously sourced from the Altai Mountains, stands out for its notably high fulvic acid content.


Shilajit's diverse mineral profile includes magnesium, zinc, iron, and copper, playing pivotal roles in various physiological processes, from enzymatic reactions to immune system support.

Legal Dimensions of Shilajit in the UK

File:Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency.jpg - Wikipedia

Based on the information provided by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) in the UK, Shilajit is not explicitly mentioned in the list of banned or restricted herbal ingredients. However, it's important to note that Shilajit might fall under certain categories or regulations depending on its composition and intended use.

The key legal provisions outlined by the MHRA include restrictions on specific herbal ingredients and the sale of herbal medicines. Shilajit, being a natural substance, may not be directly addressed in this list, but it's advisable to verify its classification and compliance with the regulations.

For a conclusive answer regarding the legality of Shilajit in the UK, it is recommended to consult directly with the MHRA or seek guidance from regulatory authorities to ensure compliance with the relevant legislation. It's crucial for manufacturers, wholesale dealers, importers, and those placing medicinal products on the market to confirm the legal status of Shilajit and ensure adherence to the law. 

Banned and restricted herbal ingredients

Here is a list of some banned herbal substances according to the provided data:

1. Aristolochia species
2. Mutong (Akebia quinata, Akebia trifoliata)
3. Canadian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)
4. Areca (Areca catechu)
5. Kava-kava (Piper methysticum)
6. Belladonna herb (Atropa belladonna - herb)
7. Belladonna root (Atropa belladonna - root)
8. Quebracho blanco (Aspidosperma quebrachoblanco)
9. Chenopodium (Chenopodium ambrosioides var anthelminticum)
10. Cucurbita (Curcurbita maxima)
11. Stramonium (Datura stramonium, Datura innoxia)
12. Stavesacre seeds (Delphinium staphisagria)
13. Foxglove (Digitalis leaf, Digitalis prepared)
14. Male fern (Dryopteris filix-mas)
15. Elaterium (Ecballium elaterium)
16. Ephedra (Ephedra sinica, Ephedra equisetina, Ephedra distachya, Ephedra intermedia, Ephedra gerardiana)
17. Ergot (Claviceps purpurea)
18. Fangji (Stephania tetrandra)
19. Hellebore American (Veratrum viride)
20. Poison Ivy (Rhus radicans)

    This list includes herbal ingredients that are prohibited or subject to specific restrictions in the UK as outlined by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, and it's crucial to refer to the official MHRA documentation for comprehensive and up-to-date information. Howerver, it is evident that Shilajit is not included in Banned and restricted herbal ingredients in the UK.

    Navigating Legal Considerations: What You Need to Know

    Legal Status of Shilajit in the UK

    Shilajit maintains a secure legal status as a dietary supplement in the UK. However, the onus falls on consumers to select products from reputable sources adhering to stringent quality standards and regulatory compliance.

    Quality Assurance: Altitude Essence as Your Trusted Source

    At Altitude Essence, our unwavering commitment to authenticity and quality sets us apart. Our shilajit, directly sourced from the Altai Mountains, undergoes rigorous testing to ensure it surpasses the highest standards of purity and efficacy, providing consumers with a product of unparalleled integrity.

    Conclusion: Empowering Your Informed Decisions

    Shilajit is not considered a drug. So, it is not banned and is totally legal to consume in the UK. However, the legal standing of shilajit in the UK is firmly established within the framework of dietary supplements. However, consumers are encouraged to make decisions based not only on legal aspects but also on scientific components and practical considerations. Altitude Essence remains steadfast as a beacon of trust, offering shilajit of unparalleled purity sourced from the Altai Mountains.

    As you embark on your wellness journey, armed with comprehensive insights into FDA approval, the distinction between shilajit and drugs, and practical considerations such as air travel, make decisions aligned with your health goals. Shilajit, when sourced and consumed responsibly, holds the potential to be a valuable addition to your holistic well-being. Choose wisely, embrace the benefits, and confidently tread the path to a healthier lifestyle.


    Regulatory Compliance

    Shilajit is classified as a dietary supplement in the UK, falling under the regulatory framework governing such products. Consumers are urged to ensure shilajit products comply with these regulations, emphasizing the importance of sourcing from reputable providers.

    FDA Approval and Shilajit

    Crucially, the FDA does not provide specific approval for dietary supplements like shilajit. It is pertinent to note that while shilajit is legal in the UK, its FDA status pertains specifically to the U.S. market.

    Is Shilajit a Drug?

    Shilajit is not considered a drug but is legally recognised as a dietary supplement. This distinction is vital for consumers navigating the regulatory landscape and underscores the importance of understanding shilajit's categorization.

    Who Should Avoid Shilajit?

    While generally regarded as safe, specific demographics, including pregnant or breastfeeding women, individuals with underlying health conditions, and those on certain medications, should exercise caution. Consultation with a healthcare professional is strongly recommended before integrating shilajit into their regimen.

    Can You Take Shilajit on a Plane?

    For the avid traveler, shilajit's solid form renders it permissible for air travel. However, travelers are advised to check specific airline regulations and, if needed, inform authorities during security checks for a hassle-free journey.

    Contact us or visit Altitude Essence if you want to try 100% organic and real shilajit.

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